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Feeling spooky; celebrate Halloween like never before!

Ribakova Elena
21 October 2021, MVT 12:51
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
Ribakova Elena
21 October 2021, MVT 12:51

Kids in weird costumes in attempts to frighten or scare, or just being playful. Walking across the lanes and roads in cozy suburban establishments with their trays and buckets tucked to the arms and hitting up on their neighbors’ doors yelling “trick or treat.”

These are perhaps the first set of images that would come to most of your minds when someone says Halloween.

But have you ever imagined this festivity being celebrated amid lush and tropical vegetation, surrounded by turquoise waters and the stars glimmering with hope and happiness while the moon brings in added delight.

The pines and oaks are replaced by coconut palms and the identical looking row of suburban houses are replaced with appealing and sophisticated villas and suites. The neighbors are replaced by unfamiliar yet smiling and welcoming faces.

The celebration of Halloween in the island paradise once in every year is one of the most extravagant experiences for holidaymakers. To say in the wittiest manner, the heavenly islands transition into spooky ‘hells’ in October every year; for the delight and amusement of those who celebrate the festivities.

It is not just the décor that adds to the appeal of the Halloween in the Maldivian resorts but the fun and frolics as well; many of these islands host traditional Maldivian drum-fare sessions known as “boduberu” to which dancers dressed in creatures of the island nation’s folklore sway and move gracefully.

The monsters and the music all complement Halloween in a light that you will not have experienced ever before.

But it is always a delightful experience for fervent holidaymakers, travelers and families visiting the Maldives to come across their most celebrated festivals being presented in a wholly different perspective; and definitely a story that they can take with them back home!