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Cables laid to light up Hulhumalé Phase 2 stolen

HDC MD Fazul has revealed cables installed to light up Hulhumalé Phase 2 have been stolen.

Ameera Osmanagic
09 October 2024, MVT 17:28
[File] Phase 2 of Hulhumalé -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
09 October 2024, MVT 17:28

The cables intended to light up Hulhumalé Phase 2 were stolen before electricity could be supplied, despite all electrical work being completed last August, Housing Development Corporation (HDC) Managing Director Fazul Rasheed revealed in a post on X (formerly Twitter) today.

"The cables installed for the street lights are missing," Fazul's post reads.

Fazul's statement was in response to ruling party People's National Congress (PNC)'s North Hulhumalé MP Hussain Shareef's concerns over the roads of Hulhumalé Phase 2 being in darkness. The MD also questioned what the "top heavy" company has done for Hulhumalé, and shared a screenshot of a message he received, likely from a constituent, who sought to clarify HDC's efforts to light up the ward.

"Can they tell us how long it will take to turn on the street lights of Phase 2? Please tell us if it would be resolved when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle. Pedestrians can't be seen [because of the darkness]. A dangerous accident is very likely to happen in the darkness," he wrote.

Local reports say the large cables, which were buried, were stolen after digging the roads. Since the thefts, HDC has ordered new materials needed to supply electricity to the street lamps.

In a separate post, Fazul also wrote that he believes it is important to understand that there is work that has to be done, which is yet to be done. "I am proud and grateful for the HDC staff for their tireless work," he detailed.

Previously Maldives Police Service also raised concern over the increased crime rates resulting from Hulhumalé Phase 2 being in the dark.

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