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Maldives gains historic win over India in Special Olympics Football

Maldives has gained a historic first-ever victory in Special Olympics Football after facing off with India at the South Asia 7-a-Side Unified Football Competition 2024 held in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Hanaan Hussain
20 April 2024, MVT 14:20
Special Olympics Maldives
Hanaan Hussain
20 April 2024, MVT 14:20

Maldives beat India 4-2 at the South Asia 7-a-Side Unified Football Competition match held on Thursday, marking the country's first win in Special Olympics Football.

Maldives' Humaid scored a hat-trick at the match held in Bashundhara Kings Arena in Dhaka, with Asham scoring the fourth and final goal leading Maldives to victory over the Indian team.

Special Olympics Maldives

'Congratulations to these brave young men, for the example set on the field and their excellent performance. What an extraordinary day for Maldives," read a statement by Special Olympics Maldives.

The South Asia 7-a-Side Unified Football Competition Dhaka 2024 was organized by the Special Olympics Association in Bangladesh. Four countries from the South Asian region are participating in the event, joined by Indonesia and Hong Kong.

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