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Thoriq to contest in FAM elections with endorsement of suspended Valencia

With the endorsement of eight clubs, which includes Valencia SC and Maziya SC, Thoriq has secured candidacy in the FAM elections after much trials.

Aishath Shuba Solih
17 March 2024, MVT 13:35
Ahmed Thoriq (Tom) with members of Valencia SC -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
17 March 2024, MVT 13:35

Backed by Valencia, a sports club that has been suspended from football activities, Parliamentarian of the Mahibadhoo Constituency, Ahmed Thoriq (Tom) has entered the elections of the Football Association of Maldives (FAM).

Following the current President of FAM, Bassam Adeel Jaleel losing his leadership of the club, he had attempted to regain control of Valencia SC's leadership by lodging a case to the court that was unsuccessful. His close friend and former FAM board member, Hussain Waheed (Dhona) had then proceeded to submit a case to the Disciplinary Committee, who, after investigation, had suspended Valencia SC.

Thoriq had contested in the elections that was slated for January 31 with the endorsement of Valencia SC as well. However, due to Valencia being found amongst the supporters of fellow contester, Mufaviz Hashim (Mufa), the Electoral Committee of FAM had settled on cancelling the club's support altogether.

The Committee had decided that Thoriq's candidacy was annulled after this. However, FIFA had ordered the postponement of the elections as FAM had failed to establish committees to investigate the case after Thoriq filed for an appeal.

Ahmed Thoriq (Tom) with Club Valencia's Chairman, Abdulla Azmeen -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru News (R-L)

These committees that were neglected for four years were formed during a congress held last month. Following the announcement scheduling another congress for January 31, the application window for the elections candidacy was opened at the time and closed at 2PM yesterday. Meanwhile, Mufa had settled on a decision to abstain from contesting in the elections.

While FAM has reiterated that candidates can only contest in the FAM elections with the endorsement of at least three First Division Sports Clubs, Thoriq had successfully entered the elections with the support of Maziya and TC in addition to Valencia. Rumors had circulated that Green Street had also expressed their favor of Thoriq. However, the club's name was unincluded in Thoriq's endorsement list that had contained eight clubs.

It is believed that Bassam will also be running in the Elections again this time. FAM has yet to release the names of the candidates contending in the elections.

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