The government decided to issue student loans to 163 students after most candidates were disqualified during the first round of opening for loan applications.
Over 900 students applied when the government opened applications in March last year for 242 slots. However, due to various issues, many students were ruled out of running, and only 79 loan slots were confirmed.
The decision to re-open applications for the remaining 163 slots came after public outcry over the disqualification process.
The second round was also aimed at first-time students and those who are already studying abroad.
While 79 slots are allocated for first-time students, 84 slots are for students already studying.
While speaking at a press conference held at the President's Office, Minster of Higher Education Dr Ibrahim Hassan stated that this marks the first time that the number of loans issued matched the number of slots announced.
"This is something we are incredibly happy to announce".
He also stated that this time around, the ministry is focusing more on the students who were disqualified from the initial selection.
Although the Minister did not disclose the details of the funding provided, he stated that the information will be shared with the public in the future.
Student loans are offered in two types. In the first category, the student will choose to study in a country allocated by the state. All expenses, in this case, will be born by the state.
Under the second, the student will study in a country of their own choosing and the state will bear a part of the expenses. In this case, the student will have to arrange the rest of the funding by themselves.
Minister of Higher Education Dr Ibrahim Hassan. PHOTO: AHMED NISHAATH / MIHAARU