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Aasandha suspends services at Eve Clinic

Aasandha company has suspended its services at Eve Clinic due to an issue they are currently investigating.

Mariyath Mohamed
20 August 2024, MVT 15:21
Mariyath Mohamed
20 August 2024, MVT 15:21

Aasandha company has suspended its services at Eve Clinic due to an issue they are currently investigating.

Aasandha Media Official confirmed the suspension to Mihaaru, but declined from providing details behind the decision.

Previously, Aasandha suspended its services in India's Manipal Hospital as well. The reason behind that suspension was cited as high prices charged at the hospital, which the company decided to renegotiate with them.

Aasandha has been publicizing the list of suspended health facilities since 2022. As per the list, by the end of 2023, services had been revoked at 18 health facilities and later recommenced. This year alone, 6 health facilities have been suspended.

At present, the suspension list includes Uro Medical Care, Dr Pill Pharmacy, Stem Centre and Eve Clinic.

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