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Villin'gili rape case: charges pressed against suspects

Mariyath Mohamed
10 November 2023, MVT 10:43
A street view of Gaafu Alif Villin'gili.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
10 November 2023, MVT 10:43

The State has pressed charges against three suspects in a case of rape in Gaafu Alif Villin'gili.

The rape case, involving a 22 year old female victim, was submitted in July.

The accused are Ibrahim Riza, 30, of Dhamburuhdhoshuge, Laamu Gan MathiMaradhoo, Ahmed Shaal, 20, of Keyovina, Gaafu Alif Villin'gili and Mohamed Maail Mihaadh, 23, of Malas from the same island.

The Prosecutor General's office revealed that they have submitted the charges against the three to the Criminal Court on Thursday.

The evidence presented to the court to support the charges filed under the Sexual Offences Act include witness statements, reports from psychologists, medicolegal reports and DNA reports.

The charges include rape, and abducting someone with intent to cause sexual assault.

The charge of rape carries a prison sentence of between 15 to 25 years. The charge of abducting a person with intent to cause sexual assault carries a prison sentence of between 7 to 10 years.

Prosecutor General's Office further revealed that during investigations, Ibrahim Riza underwent a urine sample test, in which he tested positive for cannabis consumption. If the charges for cannabis consumption is proved in court, another 3 year jail sentence will be added.

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