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Ibrahim Noordeen appointed for MACL board

Shahudha Mohamed
18 March 2019, MVT 11:58
Ibrahim Nooraddhin (L), who was appointed to MACL's board last week, pictured with Mohamed Nasheed and Sayyid Ali. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES
Shahudha Mohamed
18 March 2019, MVT 11:58

Privatization and Corporatization Board appointed Ibrahim Noordeen to the Director’s Board of Maldives Airports Company (MACL), which operates Velana International Airport, last week.

Ibrahim Noordeen was the Chairman of MACL in former President Mohamed Nasheed’s administration. However, he was dismissed from this position on June 28, 2010, following disputes that ensued over the decision to hand over airport operations to Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao (GMR) Group.

At the time, Ibrahim Noordeen refused to sign the MACL Board’s resolution as the Chairman of the company, insisting that he did not fully understand GMR’s agreement and that Nasheed’s administration had not provided enough time to conduct adequate research.

Hence, the GMR agreement was signed by Ibrahim (Bandhu) Saleem after he was appointed as Chairman following the dismissal of Ibrahim Noordeen. Ibrahim Saleem is currently the CEO of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

Along with Ibrahim Noordeen, the administration of former President Nasheed also dismissed Hussain Siraj and Mohamed Ameen from their positions on the company's board.

“I had doubts about signing a resolution without fully understanding the process and without enough information. There is no other reason than that”, He said to local media Mihaaru at the time.

Additionally, Ibrahim Nooradeen stated that MACL board members did not participate in the evaluation of GMR’s agreement, only acting as observers.

Ibrahim Nooradeen served as a member on MACL’s board from 2005 to October 2008. Moreover, he filled the position of Chairman in former president Nasheed’s government from December 2008 to June 28, 2010.

Ibrahim Nooradeen was appointed as a board member in place of Ahmed Latheef who was the last addition to the board.

Currently, MACL’s board consists of Chairman Umar Manik (MU), Deputy Chief Information Officer Moosa Solih, Ibrahim Mahfooz, Mohamed Abdul Sattar and Ibrahim Nooradeen.

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