The Gardens apartment buildings' development has taken over seven years.
'The Gardens', a multi-storey apartment building in Hulhumalé which was initially being developed by JAAH Investments Pvt. Ltd. (formerly JAUSA Investments Pvt. Ltd.) but taken over by the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) after the company failed to meet HDC's construction deadlines, has once again been delayed - this time by HDC.
The apartment building's development began in 2017 and was scheduled to finish within two years. However, seven years later it is still under development.
As a result, people who purchased apartments from the building held protests voicing their concerns about the delay as well.
Following this, HDC took over the finishing work, and detailed that work had commenced in all floors below level 10. This includes plastering, putty work, tiling and ceiling work. At the time, HDC assured that all apartments would be completed within six months time.
However, that duration has since passed.
A media official of HDC said today that the finishing work is still ongoing under the company's oversight, but that it is not clear when the apartments would be done completely.
Last year JAAH Investments was ordered to finish the 83 apartment building within 30 days and was given a 30 day notice to pay Urbanco (now HDC) the land fees. However, the company had not cleared the payment during that time.
HDC previously said that with 91 percent of the project completed, it would not be practical to change the developer at that stage. In light of this, the corporation said it would finish the apartments as soon as possible under agreements made between HDC, JAAH and the apartment owners.
'The Gardens' apartments by JAAH Investments, which are now being finished by HDC -- Photo: Mihaaru