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MBS calls for blood donations again

Mariyam Malsa
12 April 2020, MVT 18:01
An individual donating blood. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/ MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
12 April 2020, MVT 18:01

Maldivian Blood Services (MBS) on Sunday urged the public to donate blood in response to a shortage of the organisation's supplies.

Highlighting that stocks of O positive and B positive blood were running particularly low, MBS revealed that it would be open for donations between 0800 hrs and 1500 hrs from Sunday to Thursday.

MBS previously revealed that dozens of individuals volunteered to donate blood between March 21 and 22 following a similar call for public donations.

Any adult with a haemoglobin count above 12.5 and weighing more than 45 kilograms can donate blood. Physically healthy individuals can make donations four times a year.

MBS requests individuals to regularly donate blood and contribute to the organisation's stock.

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