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Offer to form coalition still open: President Solih

Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2023, MVT 00:32
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih speaks to local media after concluding his campaign visits to Haa Alifu and Shaviyani atolls-- Photo: MDP
Mohamed Rehan
03 August 2023, MVT 00:32

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said that the offer to form a coalition with the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is still open.

President Solih, speaking to the media after concluding his campaign trips to Haa Alifu and Shaviyani atolls, reiterated that despite several parties announcing their decision to contend in the presidential elections separately, the offer to form a coalition with the ruling party is still open.

President Solih said that the ruling party will be finalizing its decision for the coalition on Friday, August 4. He extended an invitation to the other parties to join MDP before the given date.

"I think the current political situation is evident if you check the TV. People are ready to go forward with this progress and tranquility. Responsible political leaders should factor this in when making their decision. Let's see for the next two days," President Solih said.

President Solih won the 2018 election with the endorsement of Jumhooree Party, Adhaalath Party and Maldives Reform Movement (MRM) led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. From the 2018 coalition partners, Adhaalath Party is the only party to officially renew coalition ties for President Solih’s re-election bid with Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) joining the coalition for the first time.

On the other hand, Qasim Ibrahim from Jumhooree Party and Faris Maumoon from MRM have announced their decisions to contest the election separately.

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