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Pres Solih pledges weekly two-day leave for tourism industry employees

Mohamed Rehan
28 September 2023, MVT 10:06
Mohamed Rehan
28 September 2023, MVT 10:06

President and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to facilitate a weekly two-day leave for tourism industry employees.

President Solih made the pledge during a recent campaign rally, where he anowledged the work of tourism industry employees.

The president met with tourism industry leaders who addressed concerns and areas that require improvement. He pledged to resolve the grievances.

They advised to form an advisory committee comprising of resort owners, tour operators and industry leaders, said president Solih.

The committee will work towards the improvement of the tourism industry.

President Solih pledged that he will create the committee soon.

President Solih emphasized the current government's decision to establish a minimum wage and provide overtime allowances for employees in the tourism industry. He stated that this decision had brought relief to the workers in the industry.

Additionally, the MDP candidate promised to reduce weekly working hours for resort employees from 48 hours to 40 hours, and allow a two-day leave every week, which was requested by the industry leaders who met the president.

President Solih assured that he would discuss the matter with resort owners.

Additionally, he pledged to introduce a scholarship scheme aimed at offering academic opportunities to Maldivian tourism industry employees and those aspiring to join the sector. President Solih also said that locals would have the opportunity to receive training up to the level of General Manager.

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