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By-elections for three seats at Male' City Council to be held in July

EC has decided to hold a by-election on July to elect three Councilors for vacant seats at the Male' City Council, in addition to five more by-elections to vote for other Council positions across local islands.

Aishath Shuba Solih
01 June 2024, MVT 13:48
Current members of the Male' City Council. -- Photo: Male' City Council
Aishath Shuba Solih
01 June 2024, MVT 13:48

Elections Commission (EC) has decided to hold a by-election on July 20 to elect three members for the vacant seats at Male' City Council.

The three seats fell vacant by members elected into the 20th parliament which was inaugurated on May 28. Ibrahim Shujau who had served as the Councilor for Hulhumale' Constituency, Ahmed Zameer who had served as the Councilor of Central Mahchangoalhi Constituency and Ahmed Aifaan, who had served as the Councilor of West Henveiru Constituency had all resigned from their posts to assume positions at the parliament.

An announcement by EC today stated that they have decided to hold eight by-elections on July 20, inclusive of the three vacancies at Male' City Council.

Additional by-elections held for other islands:

- President of Lhaviyani atoll Council

- President of Faafu atoll Bilehdhoo Council

- North Constituency Councilor for Haa Dhaalu atoll Kulhuffushi Council

- Councilor for Raa atoll Hulhudhuffaaru Council

- Female Councilor of the Raa atoll Rasmaadhoo Council

The commission revealed that the window for accepting nominations to contest the by-elections has been extended from May 30th until 16:00 hrs on Friday, June 14th.

The constitution stipulates that a by-election must be held to elect a member for a vacant council seat within 60 days of vacancy.