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STELCO to open one-stop shop for all powerhouse essentials

STELCO is a state owned enterprise providing electricity services in the Maldives.

Ameera Osmanagic
11 July 2024, MVT 09:19
Managing Director of STELCO Hussain Fahumy -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
11 July 2024, MVT 09:19

State Electric Company (STELCO) has announced plans to open a one-stop shop for all the essential items needed for a power plant.

The company says the shop's showroom would be located in the empty space next to the shop located on the ground floor of the STELCO headquarters. The 8,000 square foot store would be accessible to customers from Ameenee magu, and would even allow forklifts, while a side portion in front of the store's entry way is to be developed as a park.

STELCO's Managing Director Hussain Fahumy told local media outlet 'Mihaaru' that engines, transformers, panel boards and cables would be available from the store.

"This [store] will sell one megawatt, two megawatt and three megawatt engines. Larger sized cables will also be available. The upper floors would have a consultation and office building," he said.

The purpose of opening a store like this is to create capacity within the country without relying on external parties, he said.

"The reason why we're entering this business is because we currently don't have the capacity to build a powerhouse if ours, the ones in FENAKA or in a resort burns down," the managing director said.

"When this opens and all the essentials are available, the public can be assured that service will resume within 24 hours even if a powerhouse is damaged. This is not a business done by hardware [stores]. This is not a business done by general businessmen. With this service, we will be able to rebuild and start using the place," Fahumy said, explaining such capacity does not exist in the country right now.

"There is no transformer at the moment. There are a limited [number] of cables. That gap can be filled if it is available to be sold and for our own use. Right now we truly want to increase our income. To build the place and start a big business from there is what we want," he added.

STELCO's local employees involved in all aspects of building the showroom

Explaining that currently the showroom is being built, Fahumy said that the work is being entirely done by local employees of STELCO and that no workers are outsourced from outside parties.

"We're doing everything with company employees, without outsourcing. The only cost we're incurring is that of procuring the material needed for building the place," he explained, adding that if the project was handed over to a third party, it would not be completed within a year.

However, according to the current plan the project started towards the end of last May and would be completed and ready to open within the next three months, he said.

He also said that STELCO's staff are being used for the project because the company does not want to let them go.

"Regardless of what people say, we will not differentiate. We will not differentiate [employees] of any colour or political view. This is a company with one hundred percent locals. [We] will not do wrong by anyone. There is no intention of letting any employees go," he assured.

Fahumy also explained their plans to further expand their customer services by merging the current shop space in the STELCO building and the existing customer service area.

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