National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has conducted assessments of 57 homes which sustained damage in the recent heavy rains in Noonu atoll Henbadhoo and capital Male' City.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has conducted assessments of 57 homes which sustained damage in the recent heavy rains in Noonu atoll Henbadhoo and capital Male' City.
In a statement released by NDMA< they said that in last Saturday's rains in Male', many called their hotline seeking assistance. With this, sand bags were stacked at the entrances of 49 places, including warehouses and shops.
NDMA said that rapid assessments were done at 12 houses found to be in need of emergency aid with the help of Red Crescent. Shelter and food for a day was provided to 32 persons from eight of these homes.
This was done as they did not have the means to cook, sleep, or use bathrooms at their own residence due to rain damage. They have now returned to their residences.
NDMA also said that 30 residences were assessed in collaboration with Red Crescent for flood damage. Most of the damage was caused to household appliances in these cases.
"There were a few instances where there was damage to ceilings and such. We are now verifying and processing these forms," NDMA's statement reads.
NDMA said that while information was shared of rain on last Tuesday from Noonu atoll Kendhikulhudhoo, Lhaviya Kurendhoo and Henbadhoo, only Henbadhoo had appealed for help due to flood damage.
However, there were no instances where residents needed to be relocated.
After assessments in Henbadhoo, 27 homes have now submitted forms to NDMA seeking aid. Most concern damage to household goods and structure.
NDMA is currently in the process of vetting these forms.
Weather/ rain/ flood