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Professor Ugail's help sought by Murder Investigation Commission

23 January 2019, MVT 12:36
23 January 2019, MVT 12:36

The Murder Investigation Commission has begun seeking aid from Maldivian scientist, Professor Hassan Ugail in investigating cases of murder and enforced disappearances.

According to local media Mihaaru, President of Murder Investigation Commission Husnu al-Suood said on Tuesday that Professor Ugail has viewed some of the videos pertaining to the murders of former Raa Atoll Ungoofaru Constituency representative Dr. Afrasheem Ali, blogger Yameen Rasheed, and the murder of journalist Ahmed Rilwan.

Suood also revealed that, upon Professor Ugail’s request, the commission is working on sending some of the videos to the United Kingdom. Professor Ugail has assured that a specialist from the UK will be sent to work with the commission for a duration of two weeks.

Professor Ugail had previously stated that he was prepared to assist in identifying the perpetrators behind the brutal killings, and the enforced disappearance.

In addition to seeking aid from Professor Ugail, the commission is also prepared to seek international assistance to solve these cases.

While renowned Islamic scholar Dr Afrasheem’s brutal murder occurred in 2012, the case remains unsolved. Although Hussein Humam Ahmed was arrested for the murder and was sentenced to death, it remains unclear who ordered the assassination and why.

Two people were arrested in the enforced disappearance of Rilwan four years ago. However, the charges were dropped by the Criminal Court in August 2018.

Blogger Yameen Rasheed's family claim that the investigation into his murder by Police was incomplete. Although Ugail had offered his assistance even then, Police had decided not to accept the offer.

Residing in the UK, Professor Ugail has been utilising his established ‘face-recognition system’ to identify people in major investigations around the World, including the case of the missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.