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Hassan Latheef leads elections to appoint The Democrats' President

Mohamed Rehan
03 December 2023, MVT 11:24
MP Hassan Latheef; has taken lead in the internal election held by The Democrats to elect the party's new President--
Mohamed Rehan
03 December 2023, MVT 11:24

West-Henveiru MP Hassan Latheef has won The Democrats' internal election to appoint the party's next President.

Besides the MP, who had been the former Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), former Managing Director of State Trading Organization (STO) Hussain Amru competed for the party's presidency.

A total of 5,883 members of the party are eligible to cast their vote. Voting proceeded across the Maldives from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on December 2, Saturday.

While preliminary results are yet to be officially released, it has been reported that MP Hassan is currently leading by approximately 150 votes based on the current count.

In addition to the presidential election, the party conducted elections to appoint its Vice Presidents. Madaveli MP Hussain Firushan and former Deputy Minister Mohamed Ansar competed for the deputy position, with Firushan emerging as the victor.

In the race for the Vice President's seat designated for female members of The Democrats, Aishath Alaika and Central-Galolhu councilor Reenoo Nazim competed, and Alaika secured the designation.