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Hostage-taker Athuhar re-hospitalized after complications

Adam Athuhar, arrested last night for holding a woman hostage at knife-point, has been re-hospitalized due to complications.

Mariyath Mohamed
31 August 2024, MVT 00:10
Athuhar, arrested for holding a woman hostage on Thursday night.
Mariyath Mohamed
31 August 2024, MVT 00:10

Adam Athuhar, arrested last night for holding a woman hostage at knife-point, has been re-hospitalized due to complications.

Police said that Athuhar had been placed under arrest on Friday after he was discharged from ADK Hospital, having completed treatment. However, he was taken to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital later today due to vomiting.

"He is currently admitted at IGMH's Observation Room to monitor his condition further," Police said.

Adam Athuhar, of Happy Land, Shaviyani atoll Milandhoo, was arrested last night for holding a woman hostage at knife-point and attempting to evade arrest. He had earlier been serving a prison sentence when he was granted a presidential pardon in 2022.

During last night's hostage situation, Police officers had hit him with batons in a bid to rescue the woman after he attempted to flee with her on a motorcycle. Although Athuhar attempted to slash the women's throat as he fell after being hit by the baton, the woman was not seriously injured.

Police had to use force to subdue him and hit him repeatedly with batons, due to which he received significant injuries.

Mihaaru News reported that the hostage situation had arisen when a fight between the couple over paying rent had escalated.

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