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PG Office employees to work 4-day week in Ramadan

Malika Shahid
06 March 2023, MVT 10:33
[File] Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem: PG office employees to report to work four days a week during Ramadan
Malika Shahid
06 March 2023, MVT 10:33

Employees of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) will be allowed to work from home on one official day of the week during Ramadan this year.

The PGO has arranged for its employees to work from home on Sundays or Thursdays of each week during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, employees will have to report to the office only four days a week during the holy month.

An official from the office said that the employees will be required to follow the existing regulations when they work from home. During these days, they will only have to come into the office if it is absolutely necessary.

The PGO official that spoke to Mihaaru News also said that work from home privileges will be taken away the following week if the employee is late to work or gets absent on a day they are required to come in. If a department's performance collectively does not meet standards, they will have to attend the office as well, he said.

The PGO will closely monitor the quality of work during the work from home days.

The official working hours during Ramadan have always been shortened. However, this is the first time a government agency has arranged for employees to work from home during certain days of Ramadan.

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