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Prosecution seeks 19 year prison sentence

Malika Shahid
25 December 2022, MVT 20:37
President Abdulla Yameen's court case: He has been convicted of bribery and money laundering
Malika Shahid
25 December 2022, MVT 20:37

The Criminal Court has convicted Former President Abdullah Yameen of bribery and money laundering in the Vaavu atoll Aarah case. His lawyers have refused to discuss the punishment as the sentencing hearing has not been postponed.

Former MP Yousuf Naeem was charged with bribery in the case.

The prosecution asked for a 19 year prison sentence; of which eight years are for bribery charges and 11 years for money laundering with a fine of USD 5 million.

Yameen's lawyers said the prosecution believed it knew in advance how the verdict would come. However, the allegation was denied by the state.

Chief Judge Ahmed Shakeel said no one knew in advance how the verdict would come, and that both parties were informed at the last hearing that if Yameen is convicted, there would be a discussion on the punishment.

Yameen's lawyers had asked that the debate on the punishment be postponed to a later session. However, the Chief Judge said the regulations do not require an adjournment to another session. He said the regulations state imposing punishment within a period of 10 days.

Yameen's lawyers said if the sentencing hearing could not be delayed, there would be no discussion about punishment.

"I object to talking about the punishment in this situation," Yameen’s lawyer said.

Yousuf Naeem's lawyers said while discussing his sentence, that it was difficult to talk about a punishment without conducting proper research. His lawyers said that Yousuf Naeem has some proposals regarding punishment.

While the prosecution had requested an increase in the sentence of Yousuf Naeem, defense lawyers said the prosecution had no base to prove their claim.

Adding that Yousuf Naeem does not have any such criminal record prior to this, the lawyers asked the judge to reduce the level of his punishment. The lawyers said the offense was not a serious criminal offense dangerous to the society.

Defense lawyers said Yousuf is also in poor health, and has four young children and parents who are dependent on him.

Hence, they asked for a reduction of Yousuf Naeem’s sentence to one year and seven months in prison with part of it under house arrest, inclusive of a fine.

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