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MPL to arrange import of fruits and vegetables to Addu

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has made arrangements to commence shipping fruits and vegetables from Tuticorin, India to Addu on a permanent basis.

Mariyath Mohamed
09 July 2024, MVT 13:02
HIthadhoo Port.
Mariyath Mohamed
09 July 2024, MVT 13:02

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has made arrangements to commence shipping fruits and vegetables from Tuticorin, India to Addu on a permanent basis.

MPL CEO Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim told Mihaaru News yesterday that the first ship will arrive at the Hithadhoo Port at 10:00 hrs tomorrow. The boat will be carrying a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as staples like onions, potatoes and eggs.

"The boat will take 150 tonnes of goods this time," Wajeeh said.

Wajeeh said that the aim is to deliberate with Finesse, an Indian company which imports goods to Maldives, and send a ship carrying goods to Addu every 10 to 15 days.

"But we can only make it permanent when the demand is increased from Addu atoll and Fuvahmulah. I believe that can be done. Not only food. Household items, or any other goods that are brought from India can be brought through those ships," he said.

Wajeeh is travelling to Addu today to hold discussions with business persons from the atoll about establishing goods shipping to Addu on a permanent basis.

Wajeeh said that the commencement of permanent shipping to Addu would bring down the prices of fruits and vegetables. He highlighted that this is something that is given high priority by President Dr Mohamed Muizzu.

Wajeeh said that Finesse had requested to guarantee security and to increase demand. He said that he had assured no issues regarding security would arise.

"The other thing is creating demand. A boat such as that can carry about 300 tonnes of goods. So if less than 300 tonnes are carried every time, then the costs cannot be covered," Wajeeh said.

"So we will make strong efforts to motivate the residents of Addu, to motivate the business persons in Addu, and to find goods enough to fill one of those vessels," he said.

MPL CEO Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim

Wajeeh's aim is to use ferries to transport the fruits and vegetables shipped to Addu to nearby Fuvahmulah as well.

"Why can't we take it? Those arrangements must be made. When I go to Addu this time, I will look into arranging that as well."

Wajeeh said that each ship will carry 300 tonnes of goods. He said that this is being arranged as resorts operating in Addu have been requesting for fruits and vegetables to be imported there.

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