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New runway at Hanimadhoo Airport in operation

Mariyath Mohamed
29 January 2024, MVT 11:51
A plane landing on the new runway.-- Photo: RACL
Mariyath Mohamed
29 January 2024, MVT 11:51

The completed portion of the new runway being built in Hanimadhoo Airport is being used officially commencing from today.

The completed runway is expected to be 2460 meters long, and is being built in three phases. Currently, 1200 meters of the runway have been completed and is in operation.

Regional Airports Company (RACL) Managing Director Ahmed Mubeen and Island Aviation Deputy Managing Director Ali Saleem travelled to Hanimadhoo on the inaugural flight that landed on the new runway.

Mubeen stated that if work progresses on schedule, the full runway will reach completion by the end of March. He highlighted that the runway is being built to a standard which can accommodate night time flights, as well as the establishment of a terminal.

The runway is designed to allow landing of larger planes as well, including Boeing 727 and Airbus A320.

Saleem said that flights to India from Hanimadhoo will also resume once the runway is completed.