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Man detained in Hanimaadhoo Airport for bomb threat

A local man has been taken into custody from Hanimaadhoo Airport for making a bomb threat.

Malika Shahid
22 January 2024, MVT 17:46
Hanimadhoo Airport: A man has been detain in Hanimaadhoo Airport for bomb threat
Malika Shahid
22 January 2024, MVT 17:46

An individual who made a bomb threat has been arrested at Haa Dhaalu atoll Hanimaadhoo Airport today.

The police have taken a local man into custody in connection with the case. However, no further details have been disclosed so far.

The police said that they are currently investigating the matter.

In the past, airports have detained and investigated individuals in similar cases. However, it is unclear whether anyone has been charged in such a case so far.

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