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Env Minister attends GCF's Global Programming Conference

Ahmed Aiham
20 August 2019, MVT 18:21
High-Level Participants at the Green Climate Fund (GCF)'s Global Programming Conference in South Korea. PHOTO: GREEN CLIMATE FUND
Ahmed Aiham
20 August 2019, MVT 18:21

Minister of Environment Dr Hussain Rasheed Hassan, on Monday, attended the Green Climate Fund (GCF)'s Global Programming Conference 'Realizing Climate Ambitions' held in Songdo, South Korea.

Minister of Environment Dr Hussain Rasheed Hassan in attendance at the Green Climate Fund's Global Programming Conference. PHOTO: TWITTER

Speaking as a panellist at the 'Countries at the Centre' session of the conference on Tuesday, the minister declared it was impossible to present the Small Island Developing States (SIDS)' fight for survival as 'bankable projects' and called for increased access to climate funds.

The five-day conference which concludes on August 23, acts as a platform for high-level dialogue, inviting developed and developing nations to discuss how the Fund can support countries in achieving their climate ambitions.

“To support this call, we must develop a robust strategy and ambitious programming plans. We must demonstrate together that GCF is fit-for-purpose to help your economies withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change, while also significantly reducing emissions that further exacerbate climate change”, said GCF Executive Director Yannick Glemarec.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, emphasized the importance of GCF in meeting the global commitment to mobilise USD 100 billion per year by 2020 as climate finance for developing countries

A participant tweets regarding former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's speech at the GCF Global Programming Conference. PHOTO: TWITTER

Over 500 stakeholders comprising of ministers, GCF designated focal points and accredited entities took part in the conference.

Despite attending various international climate change related conferences, environmentalists and social media activists are voicing concerns against the ministry's inaction to halt state-sponsored 'ecocide' in the form of tree uprooting, land reclamation and the loss of biodiversity through degradation of the Maldivian ecosystem.

Large scale infrastructural projects have decimated natural assets on various islands such as multiple surf breaks in capital city Male' and airport island Hulhule', in addition to the development of an airport in Kulhudhuffushi, Haa Dhaalu Atoll, which saw 13 hectares of the island's prized mangrove wetland reclaimed.

Moreover, environmentalists emphasize a dire need for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be made independent.