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27 cases of kidnapping reported so far in 2024

Police have revealed today that so far this year, 27 cases of kidnapping have been reported.

Mariyath Mohamed
28 May 2024, MVT 14:23
USA, New York State, New York City, Crime scene barrier tape
Mariyath Mohamed
28 May 2024, MVT 14:23

Police have revealed today that so far this year, 27 cases of kidnapping have been reported.

Statistics released by Maldives Police Service today show that between December 2023 and May 16, the highest number of cases of kidnapping were reported in March this year, reaching a total of 10 cases.

Kidnapping cases reported this year

January: 3 cases

February: 6 cases

March: 10 cases

April: 7 cases

May, up till the 16th: 1 case

The category in which the highest number of cases have been reported this year is theft and robbery, reaching a total of 2952. This, too, peaked in March.

Theft and Robbery cases reported this year

January: 668 cases

February: 607 cases

March: 701 cases

April: 620 cases

May, up till the 16th: 356 cases

Within the past five months, 328 cases of mugging were reported.

Last week, a case came to light where elder aged men were being swindled into accompanying young women to Hiyaa Flats, where they are held captive and robbed by a gang of men. Another case also came up where a Nepalese man was rescued after having been kidnapped and held hostage for a week.

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