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Hameed appointed Acting Police Commissioner

Ahmed Aiham
13 December 2018, MVT 13:41
The newly appointed Acting Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed. PHOTO: SOCIAL MEDIA
Ahmed Aiham
13 December 2018, MVT 13:41

Mohamed Hameed (MC) was appointed Acting Commissioner of Police by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Wednesday.

Hameed was given the post following President Solih dismissal of the former Police Commissioner on Wednesday.

Following Supreme Courts' order to reinstate Hameed after initially dismissing him over an alleged leak of confidential documents during his tenure as the Chief Superintendent of Police Intelligence in 2012, he was promoted to Deputy Commissioner on December 4, 2018.

Having served in Maldives Police Services for over 20 years, Hamdhoon was appointed Commissioner in October 2018 by former President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom shortly before his electoral defeat.

According to sources at local media Mihaaru, Hamdhoon received an honourable discharge from active duty.

Acting CP Hameed is brother-in-law to the First Lady, Fazna Ahmed.