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Applications open for post of Elections Commission member as Fuad's term nears end

President's Office announced today that applications are now open for the post of member at Elections Commission.

Mariyath Mohamed
12 September 2024, MVT 18:11
Elections commission Press Conference
Mariyath Mohamed
12 September 2024, MVT 18:11

President's Office announced today that applications are now open for the post of member at Elections Commission.

The office has made this announcement as the term of Elections Commission's President Fuad Thaufeeq is due to end in November. He was appointed to the position in November 2019.

The deadline for applications is 12:00 hrs of September 23. Requirements that applicants must meet are:

1. Be 25 years of age, or older

2. No hadd offences must have proven against the applicant in court within the past 5 years

3. Not be holding an elected or appointed political position

4. Not be employed either in the government or elsewhere

The President will select nominees from amongst the applicants and forward the name to parliament. Parliament will then vote on appointment as a member.

Elections Commission's President will be elected through a vote amongst the five members of the commission.

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