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19 parties interested in constructing chemical godowns

Shahudha Mohamed
08 October 2019, MVT 12:31
Aerial view of Thilafushi, Kaafu Atoll, where the new warehouses are to be built. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES
Shahudha Mohamed
08 October 2019, MVT 12:31

Greater Male' Industrial Zone Ltd (GMIZL) revealed on Monday that 19 parties were interested in designing and constructing warehouses in the landfill island of Thilafushi, Kaafu Atoll, for the relocation of chemical storages in residential areas.

GMIZL's Managing Director (MD) Ibrahim Rasheed told local media Mihaaru that the process of finding a contractor to construct the warehouses according to the Corporate Governance Policy and the procurement policy was passed by GMIZL's board.

"A total of 19 companies expressed interest following our announcement. The bidding process will commence [on Monday]", Ibrahim Rasheed said.

According to GMIZL's announcement, interested parties have to place their bids by September 29. However, Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) requested the company to announce bidders for the project on October 2.

ACC advised GMIZL to do so amidst complaints circulating in the public sphere regarding GMIZL's initial decision to award the project without a bidding process.

According to GMIZL, a selective bidding process can be done through the procurement policy.

The company previously revealed that special importance will be given to constructing the godowns with safety measures, including installment of CCTV cameras, water sprinklers and adequate ventilation systems.

In addition, the godowns will be constructed on a land area of 100,000 square feet away from residential areas.

The state ordered the chemical warehouses located in Male' City to be relocated to Thilafushi after a tragic fire incident that took place in Henveiru ward on September 20, which damaged four warehouses and seven residences in addition to displacing over 400 victims and claiming one life.

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