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Russian expat assaulted in Thoddoo

Mariyath Mohamed
21 February 2024, MVT 11:58
Alif Alif Thoddoo
Mariyath Mohamed
21 February 2024, MVT 11:58

A Russian expatriate who works in Alif Alif Atoll Thoddoo has been assaulted and injured.

Police said that the incident occurred on Tuesday evening, around sunset, at a dive center on the island.

They said that the victim is a Russian expatriate who works at the dive center. He was treated for his injuries at the Thoddoo Hospital and released yesterday. Police said that the hospital had confirmed his condition is stable.

No arrests have been made in relation to the case as of yet.

Police are currently conducting investigations into the incident.

Reports suggest that the altercation occurred as a result of a disagreement that arose between two employees of the dive center.

Thoddoo has a large number of guesthouses and is known to be a local tourism hub.

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