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Clubs displeased about Commissioner's order to submit expense report on details of FAM’s financial support

Some clubs have revealed their doubts about the Commissioner's intention for ordering the clubs to submit an expense report of the FAM's financial aid while highlighting some issues with the Commissioner's office's conduct.

Aishath Shuba Solih
01 February 2024, MVT 14:07
Sports Commissioner Mohamed Tholal -- Photo: Mihaaru
Aishath Shuba Solih
01 February 2024, MVT 14:07

Some clubs have expressed displeasure regarding the order from the Sports Commissioner’s office to submit an expense report of the FAM’s (Football Association of Maldives) financial support that was mediated by FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) or AFC (Asian Football Confederation).

The clubs were informed today by the Sports Commissioner's Office to submit the last four years’ expense reports of the finances provided by FIFA or AFC through FAM.

In the letter sent to each individual club by the sports commissioner, it was stated that the financial aid being provided to the clubs by FAM, mediated by FIFA and AFC, has been brought to the attention of the commission.

They added that information that the clubs have been sharing details of these expenses to FAM and have also been uploading the details onto the FIFA/AAFC portal has also been received by the commission.

“Therefore, it has been requested to submit the amount of finances received by the clubs from FIFA or AFC through FAM since the year 2020 along with information on the details of all expenses before 14:00 hrs in the afternoon of 04th February 2024,” the letters signed by the Director General of the Sports Commissioner’s office Ali Shameem stated.

After receiving the letters, representatives from four clubs of the First Division; Club Eagles, United Victory, Green Streets and Buru Sports visited the Commissioner’s office.

At the press conference held at Manhattan Business Hotel following this, they had expressed concerns about these instructions by the Sports Commission. These four clubs are supporters of Mufaviz ‘Mufa’ Hashim, a contender of the FAM elections initially scheduled to be held today.

General Secretary of Eagles, Saeed Ali expressed that the Sport’s Commissioner Mohamed Tholal’s instruction to submit a financial report before 14:00 hrs next Sunday when the yearly report arranged to be submitted before 31st of March has been prepared does not indicate good intentions on his part.

Moreover, General Secretary of Buru Sports, Abdullah Arushad had said that the Commission has yet to arrange club access to Sports Commissioner's Office portal despite submitting a request on 27th December last year. He added that identity card information has also been shared with the Commissioner’s office as per their request on the 20th of this month.

He said that without access to the portal, it is difficult to confirm whether they had received this letter that was said to have been received by other clubs.

He further revealed his skepticism of the notification to submit such detailed information within three short days.

Furthermore, Abdulla Umesh, General Secretary of Green Street has also said that despite it being two years since the establishment of the club’s board, Sports Commissioner’s office has still not registered the club. He added that Valencia Club’s board registry was completed within a week and raised questions about the Sports Commissioner Tholal’s intentions.