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Auditor General orders recovering MVR 93k unlawful allowance disbursement

Mohamed Rehan
09 November 2023, MVT 08:49
Auditor General Niyazi.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
09 November 2023, MVT 08:49

Auditor General has ordered the reclamation of MVR 93,000 in allowances to single parents provided by the State, which was disbursed in violation of the policy.

Hussain Niyazi, the Auditor General, said that the audit report of National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) showed nine individuals, not eligible under the single parents allowance, received a collective total of MVR 93,000 in 2020.

The audit report revealed that the state had disbursed allowances to these individuals who have been married at the time, which was confirmed through the Family Court. The policy stipulates that the allowance is entitled to unmarried parents.

According to the audit report, this issue rose since NSPA did not acquire information about the parents through the court before disbursing allowances.

Auditor General has demanded necessary action against culpable staff in the negligence, as well as reclamation of this sum. The report also recommended establishing a comprehensive system providing information about the marital status of parents.

The report further highlights public employees should be held liable for the losses the state incurs owing to their negligence, and should they refuse to take responsibility, their cases can be filed at the relevant authorities.