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Inner Maldives office vandalised and broken into

Vandals have broken into two offices of Inner Maldives in Ameer Ahmed Magu, in the capital of Maldives.

Ameera Osmanagic
31 August 2024, MVT 08:33
Inner Maldives office's lock broken --
Ameera Osmanagic
31 August 2024, MVT 08:33

Vandals have broken into two offices of Inner Maldives in Ameer Ahmed Magu, in the capital of Maldives on Friday.

The company's Managing Director Mohamed Firaq said that they entered the office by breaking the lock. He also revealed that nothing important was taken from the office, but that the building sustained significant damage.

Maldives Police Service said that they received complaints of three locations in Ameer Ahmed Magu being broken into and robbed. The agency said that the complaints are now being investigation.

However, no arrests have been made yet.

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