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57-year-old man arrested for sexual abuse of minor

Mariyam Malsa
03 July 2020, MVT 22:52
A protestor holding a signboard during a demonstration against sexual abuse. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/ MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
03 July 2020, MVT 22:52

Maldives Police Service, on Friday, arrested a 57-year-old man for sexually assaulting a minor aged below 15.

The police previously revealed that the man in question held a "respectable position".

The case was reported on July 1 to the North Central Police Division, the jurisdiction of which falls upon the atolls of Kaafu, Alifu, Alifu Dhaalu and Vaavu.

In order to protect the identity of the minor, authorities have not revealed the island and atoll in which the crime had occurred.

Prior to this, two cases of child sexual abuse were reported to the authorities on May 27 and June 10, as well as a number of similar cases earlier this year prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Tuesday, authorities confirmed two separate cases of underaged girls that were impregnated by rapists. The police arrested a 37-year-old male on Thursday in relation to one of the cases while a 23-year-old was apprehended on Friday concerning the other incident.

Public ire continues to soar over the government's meagre record of arresting and convicting perpetrators of sexual offences despite several promises to support the rights of children and women.

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