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Japan donates fireboat and equipment to MNDF

Mohamed Rehan
01 August 2023, MVT 12:59
Japanese Foreign Minister formally hands over the fireboat and communications equipment to MNDF-- Photo: Embassy of Japan
Mohamed Rehan
01 August 2023, MVT 12:59

The Japanese government has donated a fireboat and communications equipment to the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF).

The vessel and equipment were formally handed over by the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hayashi Yoshimasa, and received by the Minister of Defense, Mariya Ahmed Didi, at a ceremony held at MNDF headquarters on Monday, July 30.

The fireboat was handed over in accordance with the Exchange of Notes signed between the two countries in June 2019 under the Economic and Social Development Programme. The grant, valued at USD 4.68 million, was committed for the procurement of a fireboat and a landing craft for MNDF to enhance operational readiness during emergency situations across the Maldives.

Japanese Foreign Minister along with Minister of Defense Mariya Ahmed Didi during the handover ceremony-- Photo: Embassy of Japan

The communication equipment was provided under the Exchange of Notes signed between Japan and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in March 2023 under the Project for Enhancement of Ability in Maritime Safety and Security in Maldives. The grant, valued at USD 2.5 million, was committed to offer comprehensive assistance to the Maldives government in effectively preventing, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting cases of drug trafficking, crimes in the fisheries sector, and crimes affecting marine spaces in the Maldives.

The vessel and equipment were handed over by Minister Yoshimasa during his official visit to the Maldives from July 29-30, 2023, on the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid.

During his visit, the Japanese Foreign Minister had met with key government officials for a series of meetings and events to further strengthen the bilateral ties and explore areas of cooperation between the two countries.

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