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EC opens applications for international observers for presidential election

Lamya Abdulla
25 March 2023, MVT 20:55
(FILE) EC members speaking at a press conference held on January 15, 2023: the deadline to apply for an observer is July 25, 2023 -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
25 March 2023, MVT 20:55

The Election Commission has opened applications for international candidates to observe the Maldives' presidential election this year.

In an announcement made on Saturday, the commission said they will be accepting applications until July 25. The election is scheduled to be held on September 8.

Applicants must be over 18 and represent an organization in order to apply to observe the election. They also have to be unbiased regarding the presidential candidates.

The commission also stated that the observers will be provided mandatory training sessions before they are credited with an observer pass.

They also advise all observers to adhere to the Acts and Regulations and adhere to the Code of Conduct provided should they wish to meet with any politicians or political parties during their stay in the Maldives.

As more than two presidential candidates are running for office this year, it is expected that this presidential election cycle will have two rounds of voting before a candidate is elected as president. The last time this happened was ten years ago.

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