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Rilwan, Yameen's families raise concerns to President Solih

Shahudha Mohamed
28 January 2020, MVT 16:20
Mother (L) and sister of abducted and murdered Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan. PHOTO: AHMED AIHAM / THE EDITION
Shahudha Mohamed
28 January 2020, MVT 16:20

The families of journalist Ahmed Rilwan and blogger Yameen Rasheed, who were both believed to have been murdered by religious extremists, addressed a letter to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, expressing concern over the state's lack of efforts in finding the perpetrators.

In the letter that was disclosed to the public, the families requested the government to reveal the truth instead of providing false hope.

The families relayed that they were in immense pain as Rilwan's murder remains unsolved after six years, while it will soon be three years following Yameen's death as well.

Merely creating the Commission on Investigating Deaths and Enforced Disappearances does not fulfil the president's pledge for justice, the letter read.

The victims' families raised concerns over the lack of progress by the commission, stating that the possibility of justice was still not in sight. Moreover, the letter noted that the Prosecutor General's (PG) Office refused to press charges against the lead suspects in Yameen, Rilwan and renowned scholar and former MP Dr Afrasheem Ali's murder cases, citing that the commission's investigations are incomplete.

The Presidential Commission assured that the cases will be resubmitted to PG Office for prosecution.

Rilwan and Yameen's families called for the state to utilise foreign investigators and resources to conduct a fair and unbiased investigation into the deaths.

"There are many parties ready to provide help", the letter read, noting that the state has, so far, failed to provide a conclusive answer.

Although the victims' families remain concerned about the lack of progress, the state maintains that the Presidential Commission is carrying out its mandate.

According to the President's Office, efforts are underway to appoint a new President for the commission, following the resignation of Husnu al-Suood who was formerly filling the position.

A duration of two years were granted to conclude the investigations of all the cases submitted to the commission. During its early days, the commission revealed that a total of 29 cases were being investigated.