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Father-son duo go fishing, catch 347kg billfish!

The father-son pair needed to bring someone from the island to their fishing location to help pull up the giant billfish on board.

Ameera Osmanagic
05 May 2024, MVT 16:52
Bill fish caught by Jaufar and son being weighed in N. Kendhikulhudhoo -- Photo: Kendhikulhudhoo Council
Ameera Osmanagic
05 May 2024, MVT 16:52

A local fisherman from Noonu atoll Kendhikulhudhoo and his son, who went out fishing in a small dinghy caught a giant billfish weighing over 347 kilograms yesterday. The father, who has been identified as 57 year old Jaufar Easa, took his son fishing around mid morning and cast their first lines at 09:30 am. However, it wasn't until half past noon that they caught the big fish. Jaufar, said that it was so big and heavy that they ended up needing to call for help and have an islander come to the fishing location to help them pull the fish up onboard. In the process, Jaufar's hand also suffered serious boils from the friction. The 347 kilogram fish was sold to a man who runs a salt-water fish business in Sh. Maaun'goodhoo at the rate of MVR 20 per kilogram. Jaufar and his son made MVR 6,940 from the big sale. "I previously went fishing in larger vessels. But now with my children grown up and off to [their] jobs, I don't want to set sail out of the island, so I go on the dinghy now," Jaufar said. Jaufar has 30 years of experience in the fisheries industry, and goes out fishing almost every day. He often sells his catch if it's more than what he needs.

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