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Discussions Underway for Land Allocation in Vaadhoo to Palestinians

01 November 2023, MVT 20:22
G Dh Vaadhoo
01 November 2023, MVT 20:22

The council of Vaadhoo has convened to consider allocating land to 1000 Palestinians in need.

Hassan Abdulla, the President of the Island Council, has proposed addressing this matter at the upcoming council meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

Vaadhoo, known for its local tourism industry, has a population of 1,500 and is a popular destination for tourists seeking to surf.

Hassan's proposal is to provide land for 1,000 war affected Muslims from Palestine to settle in Vaadhoo with their children. He additionally proposed to prevent Israelis from utilizing the island's prized surfing points and restrict their visitation to Vaadhoo.

According to Hassan, discussions have taken place between the council and Vaadhoo residents to devise a strategy to deter Israeli tourists from frequenting the island. The idea of allocating land from the island to Palestinian families emerged from these consultations.

Hassan stated, "We have decided to allocate land for 1,000 individuals along with their children. If they choose, they can later return to Palestine. We acknowledge that the newcomers may not be permanent residents." He also mentioned the possibility of providing farmland for those interested in cultivation or other agricultural activities.

Hassan emphasized that, given the island's extensive land area of 197 hectares, there is space for land allocation that can extend for the next five decades. This proposal is seen as a way to address the current situation, boost the island's population, and offer assistance to the Palestinian families.

Hassan pointed out the ongoing issues arising from Israeli tourists visiting Vaadhoo, and while there have been discussions to prevent land allocation and Israeli tourist arrivals, he believes that government intervention is necessary for such changes to occur.

Several councils have urged the government to restrict Israeli tourists from entering the country. A parliamentary resolution has also been proposed to ban Israeli passports. There are also plans to submit a petition to prevent Israeli passport holders from visiting the country. However, the government has yet to take any action in response to these appeals.

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