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G.Dh.Thinadhoo Council to recover MVR 4.7 Million unpaid rent on leased land

Lamya Abdulla
11 March 2023, MVT 13:05
Aerial photo of Gaafu Dhaalu Thinadhoo: Thinadhoo Council said some contractors had applied to renew their leases without paying off their outstanding debt -- Photo: Gaffe Online
Lamya Abdulla
11 March 2023, MVT 13:05

Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Thinadhoo's Island Council said on Thursday that they have begun taking legal action against parties that have not yet paid rent on leased land plots on the island. The council is looking to recover a total of MVR 4.7 million that remains unpaid.

In an announcement made by the council, they said a large amount of money remains unpaid from the parties that have leased land from the Thinadhoo Ihthisaas area for agriculture, fisheries, and other industrial purposes. The unpaid rent and late fees amount to MVR 4.7 million, according to the council.

Some of the individual parties owe over MVR 1 million in outstanding rent and late fees to the council.

"Some of the parties that have leased land have requested to renew their leases without paying off their outstanding debt, which we note is wrong, and something we are concerned about," the notice said.

The council said they even revised their payment policy last year to accommodate these parties' needs, allowing them to start paying their outstanding debt in instalments from May 2022 on. Even so, the lessees have not been cooperating.

Therefore, if the parties fail to pay their outstanding debt in accordance with the policies, the council will seek legal action to recover the money, and the land associated with these cases as well.

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