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MTCC commences Madaveli-Hoandehdhoo causeway project

Mohamed Rehan
14 September 2022, MVT 15:23
Mohamed Rehan
14 September 2022, MVT 15:23

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has begun mobilization for the Madaveli-Hoandehdhoo causeaway project, in Gaaf Dhaal atoll.

The project was launched at a special ceremony held in Hoandehdhoo on Tuesday, September 13. Madaveli MP Hussain Firushan graced the event along the island council's president Fiyaz Hussain and his Hoandehdhoo conuterpart Hussain Warish.

MTCC front man Adam Azim had officiated the project.

Commenting on the project, Azim notes the causeway will be developed to sustain heavy-load vehicles while allowing constant ocean current flow underneath the structure. MTCC reports the causeway will connect Madaveli and Hoandehdhoo along with two uninhabited islands; Kannigila and Haadhoo that geographically fall within the structure's path.

The project contractor stressed the importance of a causeway structure for the residents. MTCC envisions the structure will bring an end to logistical plights faced between the islands.

MTCC pledges to complete the project within the contractually agreed term. The project was contracted to MTCC on October 26, 2021 for a total of MVR 84.17 million.

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