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Hulhumale' Phase II clinic to become Aasandha insurance applicable

Mohamed Rehan
18 August 2022, MVT 07:36
Employees at Hiyaa Medical Center-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
18 August 2022, MVT 07:36

Aasandha Company Limited has confirmed approval for Aasandha insurance scheme applicability for the only clinic in Hulhumale' Phase II, has been processed.

"Hiyaa Medical Center" at the H12 tower of the Hiyaa Towers by Life Support Medical Service opened on June 15, 2022.

It is currently the only medical institution in phase II providing medical consultations and other health related services. Mounting concerns by residents living in phase II over the clinic not extending Aasandha insurance scheme was acknowledged by the company.

Meanwhile, an official speaking from Aasandha Company affirms that the medical center had requested to empanel for the state-initiated health insurance scheme on July 2. The request processed and submitted to the relevant committee of National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) from where it had already been approved.

"We've lodged application at the Ministry of Finance to create a vendor profile for the clinic. Once the vendor is created, and respective agreement signed, the clinic will be able to provide services under Aasandha scheme," the company's official said.

The company further clarified that a request for empaneling, provided all necessary documents are submitted, will take a period of 45 days to process and for the institute to become Aasandha applicable. The duration includes 15 days of vendor registration at the Ministry of Finance.

Service limbo of three days, is experienced from the date of agreement signing to the date of service commencement.

Meanwhile, Life Support's Managing Director Ahmed Maumoon attests the clinic's services have been based in accordance to Aasandha scheme rates, despite not officially being an Aasandha applicable institute.

"There should a mechanism to expedite the process. We receive several visitors regularly but do not seek medical treatment upon learning the clinic does not extend Aasandha scheme. Despite us providing services at the rates according to the scheme, most patients cannot afford to spend for the services," Maumoon commented.

He also bemoaned the possibility of the clinic's closure should it not become Aasandha applicable in near future, or the alternative of hiking prices which in turn will turn away prospective visitors.

"The company expends nearly MVR700,000 per month while the clinic generates only MVR2,000 on a daily basis," Maumoon added.

The clinic currently has a total of 36 staff in its employment.

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