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Alimatha Resort fined over ocean littering

Mohamed Rehan
04 July 2022, MVT 13:43
Crewmen on one of the vessels from Alimatha Resort disposing waste into the ocean--
Mohamed Rehan
04 July 2022, MVT 13:43

Local tourist property, Alimatha Resort has been found culpable of disposing waste into the ocean for which it faces a fine of over MVR312,000 (USD20,233).

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Maldives notes that the conduct of the tourist resort was against the regulations of waste management.

Due to the misconduct, the resort was find liable in accordance with the Maldives Environment Protection and Preservation Act.

EPA had announced a fine of MVR312,750 to be exact on Alimatha Resort, which the property must settle within 30 days since notice.

Earlier, Vaavu atoll council, under which the resort falls jurisdictionally, had requested from relevant authorities to investigate multiple concerns related to waste disposal into the ocean.

The council's president Mr. Shujau Ali had earlier addressed on rising concerns and multiple complaints against both Alimatha and Dhiggiri Resort over their continued disposal of food and other perishable waste into the surrounding waters.

Apart from the environmental impact, the council's president highlighted on the conceived economical setbacks such acts of misconduct will instigate.

Under a previous regulation from the Ministry of Tourism, implemented some 15 years back, the authority permitted tourist resorts to discard food waste and other perishable waste to be disposed of to the sea.

However, the continued malpractice of significant ocean littering had prompted the authority to revise the regulations to restrict such conduct.

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