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Marital rapist Shah dies of heart attack

Ahmed Aiham
26 October 2020, MVT 11:45
Ibrahim Shah (R) and the late Ziyada Naeem. Shah was convicted of marital rape on October 1, 2020, a historical verdict in Maldives. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES
Ahmed Aiham
26 October 2020, MVT 11:45

Convicted marital rapist Ibrahim Shah, responsible for the subsequent untimely death of his then-wife Ziyadha Naeem, died as a result of a heart attack on late Sunday.

According to the Thinadhoo Island Council in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, Shah died while on the sea during a trip to weigh fish at the processing facility in Koodoo, Gaafu Alif Atoll.

Although Shah was sentenced to three years in prison over the landmark ruling by the Maldivian' Judicature to recognise marital rape on October 1, the council confirmed that Shah remained free as he had spent over three years in custody prior to his conviction.

Although various local reports rumoured that Shah passed away from trauma caused by a fish, the council denied the claims, noting that Shah was in communication with a relative following the incident.

Shah was initially charged with marital rape, manslaughter, negligent homicide and possession of pornography, of which he was acquitted by the Criminal Court after a closed-door trial in March 2019.

The matter was then appealed by the PG Office in April 2019, contesting that the Criminal Court had acquitted Shah without having considered a portion of the evidence that was presented during the trial.

A post-mortem examination conducted in India confirmed that Ziyadha's body exhibited signs of abuse, and revealed that at the time of her death, she had sustained several injuries to different organs of her body.

In the two-week period prior to her passing, Ziyadha had reported to her doctors at IGMH that Shah had physically and sexually assaulted her after their separation.