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Film Association organizes fishing contest, proceeds go to Palestine fund

Mariyath Mohamed
03 November 2023, MVT 10:46
Maldives Film Association organizes a fishing competition, pledging proceeds to Palestine fund.-- Photo: Film Association
Mariyath Mohamed
03 November 2023, MVT 10:46

Maldives Film Association (MFA) has organized a fishing contest for today under their "For Humanity" fundraising events to raise funds for the Palestinians affected by the attacks from Israel.

An MFA Official revealed on Thursday that the contest is being organized by the Association in collaboration with Sports Fishing Maldives - a company that organizes fishing trips for tourists.

A total of fifty teams, both from capital Male' and the atolls, will be participating in the event.

Teams heading out from Male' will start from Masveringe Park at 2pm today, returning at 9pm to the T-jetty area.

The official said that the winning team will get a cash prize of MVR 10,000 which will be directly donated to the Palestine fund. The losing team has to donate MVR 2000 to the fund.

"We will be selling all the fish caught on these trips tonight, across from Marrybrown. All the proceeds from these sales will be donated to the Palestine fund," the official said.

The participant who catches the largest fish will be gifted a fishing rod.

MFA has organized several events to raise funds for Palestine. Last weekend, they held a film festival, a jumble sale, and a children's eve. The association has also been holding fund raising events in different islands in Male' atoll.

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