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Parent arrested for striking Gateway school's assistant principal

Shaina Abdulla
05 April 2018, MVT 16:10
Gateway International School, Hulhumale -
Shaina Abdulla
05 April 2018, MVT 16:10

A parent was arrested on Wednesday for striking the assistant principle of Gateway International School in the reclaimed suburb Hulhumale.

The man was taken into custody over the incident. Police, however, did not reveal any further details on this matter.

According to a source, the incident occurred after the parent asked the whereabouts of his daughter, currently in the 7th grade, after he went to pick her up from school. Upon inquiry, the assistant principal had alleged that the girl went home. However, after a round trip home and back, the parent found out that his daughter was still at school and struck the assistant principal in an angry outburst.

The assistant principal is a Sri Lankan woman and is currently receiving treatment for the injuries she sustained at state hospital Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

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