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Maldives Islamic Bank Male' branch opened, catering to businesses

MIB has unveiled business banking services at their main branch in Male' City and commenced the provision of these services yesterday.

Aishath Shuba Solih
03 March 2024, MVT 13:20
Ceremony held to unveil MIB's business banking at their main branch yesterday
Aishath Shuba Solih
03 March 2024, MVT 13:20

The main branch of Maldives Islamic Bank located in Male’ City has unveiled the introduction of their exclusive business banking services.

The branch has extended their service window until 16:00 hrs in the evening with the establishment of this branch centered around business banking. The bank has stated that cash deposit services and form submission alongside all other related services will be offered from their counters from 08:30 hrs in the morning to evening 16:00 hrs.

MIB has set their Ramadan service schedule from morning 09:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs in the afternoon while services on the last ten days of Ramadan is slated from 11:00 hrs in the morning to 14:00 hrs in the afternoon.

Subsequently, the bank has increased their cash service counters and facilitated separate counters for bulk cash services among others in order to further refine their amenities. Arrangements of a dollar ATM alongside four cash ATMs have also been established in the vicinity in order to cater to this aim.

At the ceremony held to inaugurate the launching of their business banking services at their main branch, MIB had introduced a card that solely deposits cash together with an expense card exclusive for businesses.

The bank further detailed that the cash deposit card allows increased cash amounts for deposit in comparison to the standard amount facilitated for general transactions and stated that the expense card will further ease management procedures for businesses.

While both these cards can be used in internet banking, MIB highlighted that they are highly useful to businesses and assured that they will alleviate many managerial tasks of these companies in relation to fund management and transactions.

MIB has been expanding and refining their customer services together with the development of modern resources.

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