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DJA launches 'Keyli': a Dhivehi auto transcription software for court hearings

DJA has launched 'Keyli': a dedicated software that can auto-transcribe dhivehi speech into thaana written script.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 March 2024, MVT 11:05
Chief Justice launches the 'Keyli' software.-- Photo: DJA
Mariyath Mohamed
03 March 2024, MVT 11:05

Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) has launched a dedicated software titled 'Keyli' on Saturday which will auto-transcribe dhivehi speech during court proceedings into thaana written script.

This software will bring an immense improvement in efficiency to production of court records, as to date transcribing has been done manually through listening to court recordings.

With this new software, all speech in a hearing will be officially documented at the end of the hearing itself.

The software was inaugurated by Chief Justice Ahmed Muhthasim Adnan.

DJA said that the purpose of introducing this software is to facilitate cases being heard in the courts to be expedited.

DJA said that with the commencement of the use of this software, court statements will start being ready within the day, displaying a significant cut down in the hours spent on administrative work, in effect contributing to faster conclusion of cases and more efficient running of the courts.

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