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27 issues investigated, all councilors of Vaadhoo suspended

After conducting a special inquiry, the Local Government Authority (LGA) has decided to suspend without pay all councilors of Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Vaadhoo.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 March 2024, MVT 13:45
GDH. Vaadhoo
Mariyath Mohamed
01 March 2024, MVT 13:45

After conducting a special inquiry, the Local Government Authority (LGA) has decided to suspend without pay all councilors of Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Vaadhoo.

In the inquiry, LGA investigated 27 separate issues. For the investigation, they sought statements from staff members and reviewed a number of documents. They also offered the councilors the opportunity to present statements in their defense.

As per the LGA, findings of the investigation include:

- councilors did not adequately fulfill the duties and responsibilities of their positions

- councilors were negligent towards their obligations

- councilors took undue advantage of the powers and privileges granted to them through their positions

- disciplinary issues regarding the councilors' conduct

"As it was found that some of these acts were conducted repeatedly, judging by the seriousness of the issues found through this inquiry, and the matters regarding the Gaaf Dhaalu atoll Vaadhoo councilors that came to our attention through this inquiry, serious damage is caused to to the entire decentralization system," the inquiry report gazetted by LGA reads.

Following the inquiry, LGA has placed Vaadhoo Council President Hassan Abdulla on a three month suspension without pay. Council member Mohamed Shifaq is also suspended for three months, with members Hashir Mohamed and Sara Mohamed suspended for two months. Member Mariyath Ibrahim has been placed on suspension for a duration of one month.

LGA has also decided that the conduct of administrative staff of the council must be investigated and presented to the relevant state institutions for further action where required.

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Gdh. Vaadhoo LGA
