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Velana International Airport Launches Smart Gate Service

Maldives Customs Service has launched smart gate service at Velana International Airport.

29 February 2024, MVT 18:14
Smart Gate Launch at VIA
29 February 2024, MVT 18:14

Maldives Customs Service has launched smart gate service at Velana International Airport.

This innovative system replaces the traditional practice of affixing red stickers to luggage requiring additional scrutiny during customs checks. Instead, it introduces "radio frequency identification" (RFID) tags, enabling the identification of such luggage through a smart gate. Attempting to remove luggage without obtaining customs clearance triggers the smart gate, enhancing security and efficiency in the customs clearance process.

The service was launched by Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed, CEO and Managing Director of MACL.

Under the new system, owners with luggage fitted with tags for further search will be required to go to the red channel and get customs clearance for the tagged piece. With smart gate service, the clearance process for passengers who are required to get clearance from the green channel will be expedited and completed without any hindrance, MACL said.

Launching the service, MACL CEO and Managing Director Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed said that the smart gate introduced by customs will improve the quality of service provided to passengers at the airport and help in providing faster services. "We are constantly working closely with stakeholders and enforcement agencies to make the services easier for airport service seekers," he said.

MACL stated that, with the smart gate service, passenger clearances will be faster and more convenient.

"This service will help in curbing terrorism, money laundering, human trafficking, drugs and contraband, and protecting entry and exit points from the Maldives," MACL said in a statement.

A list of targeted achievements for the Maldives Customs Service is part of the agenda of the first 14 weeks of Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's presidency.

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