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Child whose medevac from GA. Villin'gi was delayed passed away

Thirteen year old child who was in critical condition dies following delays in transferring him from Gaafu Alif Atoll Villin'gili to health facilities in capital Male' City.

Mariyath Mohamed
21 January 2024, MVT 08:39
Ga.Vilingili harbor area
Mariyath Mohamed
21 January 2024, MVT 08:39

A 13 year old child who needed prompt transfer from Gaafu Alif Atoll Villin'gili to capital city Male', which was delayed by sixteen hours, has passed away.

Family of the deceased claim that the untimely death was caused due to the delays faced in the transfer to medical facilities in the capital.

The boy was placed on ventilator support at Villin'gili Hospital on Wednesday evening. Despite the pressing need for the transfer, a flight to transport him to the capital was arranged by sunset the next day.

The child was initially taken to the hospital due to vomiting and nausea. However, tests showed that he had a tumor in his brain, upon which requests were made for a prompt transfer to medical facilities in Male' City.

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